Express appreciation and thrive

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  • Post category:2020

Expressing appreciation works wonders as a powerful strategy. Any apparently minor contribution may be an occasion to commend, encourage and inspire. Even people’s potential makes a great reason for voicing expectation that they will go places. Appreciation for self and others creates trust, strengthens harmony, and is conducive to an environment for progress. Governments and International organizations show they get this strategy when they set aside appreciation days, weeks, months or even years for minorities, vulnerable groups, or professional categories.

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Embrace instruction

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  • Post category:2020

The ability to understand and follow proper instructions opens the treasure trove in life. Instruction appears to offer the bridge to growth, personal development, and professional upliftment. Often, acquiring and following instruction is easier said than done. It’s the reason why one of the best gifts we can offer ourselves is to develop the habit of desiring and pursuing instruction relevant to our vision in life. Sage Solomon said: “Invest in the truth and never sell it - in wisdom, and instruction and understanding.”

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Take advantage of self-correction

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  • Post category:2020

Without reflecting on what we did, we end up repeating words and attitudes that produced poor results. By engaging in regular introspection, we go over our experiences and take steps to reinforcing what we did right and changing what caused us to fail. This habit serves as a helm to keep us on track and help us grow wiser.

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Develop your vision

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  • Post category:2020

I came to understand why sometimes we can’t pinpoint opportunities around us. Solutions to vexing issues may be in front of us, yet we go far off to look for them. No wonder our mind's sight and imagination opens the door to our future reality. Therefore, we should focus on the future, not the past or the challenges of the present, lest we reproduce what we do not want. Any effective transformation process starts with a clear vision of the future in mind.

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Take responsibility for your words

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  • Post category:2020

Words build up and words tear down. Words shape our emotions, create our reality, and even convince us to achieve our loftiest dreams. Whether we speak them to others or to ourselves, they have consequences. That’s the reason why affirmations are such a powerful tool. That’s also the reason why wisdom should walk hand in hand with freedom of expression. That’s finally the reason why we should enrich our vocabulary and take responsibility for our words.

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Enjoy work

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  • Post category:2020

Working and staying active contributes to robust health, boosts longevity, and determines how we impact others. Any goal we want to reach, any transformation, any progress requires work. The level of pressure or uncertainty often associated with work flows from climbing to new heights or exploring new territory or dealing with unsupportive people. The discomfort is quite normal until we land in a new comfort zone. We enjoy work as long as we focus on its immeasurable benefits.

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