Tune your heart to victory

Tune your heart to victory

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Shern, a Caribbean born handyman doing repairs at my house, told me in 2008 that he didn’t believe that America was ready to elect an African American as President. Reading into the trends, I told him there was a first to everything. Then it became clear that the beliefs, vision and talents of the then black candidate Barack Obama, the level of organization, motivation, and inclusion he put in place, as well as other political factors, would give him an edge. 

Obama won the election and sent a wave of positive energy around the world. That victory was so reverberating that my friend Roody invested his savings to travel to Washington DC all the way from Haiti to witness in person the inauguration of the new President and be part of history.

Obama’s victory got me to reflect about many things people think are impossible. His audacity of hope and “Yes we can” mantra blazed a trail to the White House. From Shern’s skepticism to Roody’s celebration lay a bridge made of unwavering confidence and hope, dedication to learning and contributing, and resilience even in the face of apparently insurmountable obstacles. That improbable victory stood as a sky high banner with the writing, “Everything is possible to those who believe”.

History teaches that many Davids defeated incredible Goliaths. What matters the most is not present circumstances, strengths or weaknesses, but the power of our beliefs, the steadiness of our discipline, and our readiness to challenge conventional methods or beaten tracks.

In a moment of crushing pressure, Winston Churchill said, “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” Churchill’s level of determination and his courage to overcome fears and doubts weaved a crown of victory for freedom and democracy in the world.

Let’s tune our hearts to victory using the tools that have prevailed over the centuries. Believe it, prepare for it, and work it out. Victory will hail you on the other side of the apparently impassable river.

Jean Ricot Dormeus


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“To concede defeat when you are entrusted with a mission amounts to jeopardizing the utility and quality of the rest of your life. Is it worth it?”

Jean Ricot Dormeus, Land of Dormant Dreams – A Walk into the Future, p. 61