Apply outcome oriented principles

Apply outcome oriented principles

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Haiti changed the color of its flag from vertical black and red to horizontal blue and red in 1986. I drove by the National Palace a few days after the new flag had flown for the first time. I didn’t get to take my eyes off the flag and my car left the right lane and I stopped just in time to avoid colliding with a taxi coming from the opposite lane. The taxi driver flew in a rage while I apologized profusely. As he went on, I kindly said, “What else can I say, I am deeply sorry”. He calmed down and even reversed his car to let me pass. The principles of kindness and contrition put out his burning anger. 

Every desired outcome displays a target for a well applied principle. Principles work as tools that drive our goals and dreams. As with any toolset, we need to reach out for the right one and keep using it. So doing, we make it to the elite category of the 8% who have developed the skill of following up on their new year goals. Knowing what to do is one thing, doing it is a different beast.

Thomas Jefferson’s words go a long way: “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock”. Principles produce sustainable results, while convenience or opportunism go for short-term gains. By the way, the three Christian theological principles, love, faith and hope provide life compass and undergird most outstanding achievements. 

You can develop a principle based life by identifying the most relevant principles for your individual circumstances, and intentionally apply them. As I experienced the power of kindness and contrition with the taxi driver, you will reap better results while touching other people’s lives in the process. 

Make sure to acquire and apply a toolset of timeless outcome oriented principles.

Jean Ricot Dormeus

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“To concede defeat when you are entrusted with a mission amounts to jeopardizing the utility and quality of the rest of your life. Is it worth it?”

Jean Ricot Dormeus, Land of Dormant Dreams – A Walk into the Future, p. 61