Live with compassion

Live with compassion

By Jean Ricot Dormeus

Lyddie was about to give birth while her husband was on travel duty. She sent someone in the middle of the night to ask me for a ride to the hospital. I left my infant children by themselves and dropped her off as requested. I also waited some time, in case she would need help with any emergency. Lyddie and her family showed much appreciation for that support which reinforced our friendship and a sense of comfort and trust between us. Many years after, she would still mention that moment with gratitude and a smile on her face. 

Among the tips experts usually share on leadership, lasting connections, and a fulfilled life, what comes out on top is kindness, empathy and a desire to extend a helping hand. Actually, compassion may be the best kept secret to a harmonious family life, a healthy work environment, and a peaceful society. It is a gift we can give every day by listening attentively while refraining from passing judgment or telling your own story.

Compassion makes everyone involved a winner. The recipient is happy for the embrace and relief. The giver is happy to make a difference in someone’s life.

According to a study by the National Academy of Science, “the happiness that comes from living a life of purpose and meaning—one that is fueled by kindness and compassion—can play a role in better health. In the study, participants who experience what is known as eudaimonic happiness—or the kind of happiness that comes from living a meaningful life that involves helping others—experienced lower levels of depression, stronger immunity, and less inflammation.”

Nelson Mandela said, “Our human compassion binds us one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.”

Compassion is a highly rewarding habit we must develop if we want to give meaning and a sense of mission to our lives. Compassion may work miracles in our relationships. Why not live with compassion as of today?

Jean Ricot Dormeus

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“To concede defeat when you are entrusted with a mission amounts to jeopardizing the utility and quality of the rest of your life. Is it worth it?”

Jean Ricot Dormeus, Land of Dormant Dreams – A Walk into the Future, p. 61