If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 (NIV)

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11: 40 (NIV) 

On February 7 every year, the Movement of Prayer for Haiti shall hold a National Day of Pardon and Reconciliation. All christians and churches will be encouraged to join by dedicating part of their services on or around this date to Pardon and Reconciliation.

Parameters of the
Movement of Prayer for Haiti

The Movement of Prayer for Haiti provides spiritual support for Haiti. It is non-denominational. It aims at uniting Haitian citizens and Haiti lovers in a spiritual mobilization to bring Haiti closer to the Creator while promoting appreciation for and positive thinking about the country.

Structure of the Movement of Prayer for Haiti

The Movement of Prayer for Haiti may comprise a great multitude of Groups of Prayer of up to 12 members aiming to intercede before God in favor of Haiti. The nucleus or first Group of Prayer is Group A, Nehemiah.

Model Agenda of the Movement of Prayer for Haiti

1- Opening remarks and welcome
2- Opening prayer
3- Our motto: We uplift Haiti to you o God and request grace, blessings and healing upon our country. Help us to appreciate and seek the good of this land and its people.
4- Three to five minutes meditation based on the theme of the week.
5- Scripture reading: 2 Chronicles 7:14 and John 11:40
6- One prayer or two for Haiti
7- Closing remarks and benediction

Fichier PowerPoint courtoisie de l'Ing Ernst Fleuranvil du Groupe Gédéon: http://0xb.e71.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Modele-de-programme-pour-la-Session-de-Priere-pour-Haiti.pptx

Register your Group of Prayer for Haiti


Training Course on the
Movement of Prayer for Haiti

Module 1: Background and Foundation

(Click for PowerPoint Presentation)

The Movement of Prayer for Haiti is rooted in the Bible and successful world experiences. As we affirm our accountability to our people and our land, we grow spiritually. The Movement draws inspiration from the Virtual Group Emmanuel of Prayer for Haiti launched in 2001.

Module 2: Principles and philosophy

(Click for PowerPoint Presentation)

The Movement of Prayer for Haiti promotes a set of principles, values and philosophy. Among these feature faith, positive spirit, love, service and perseverance. The transformation of Haiti starts with the individual applying these principles and seeking self transformation.

Module 3: Structure and standard session

(Click for PowerPoint Presentation)

The Movement of Prayer for Haiti shall comprise a great multitude of groups of prayer organized in a pyramid structure. The Sessions of the groups follow a standard agenda. On February 7 every year MPH organizes a National Day of Pardon and Reconciliation.

Module 4: Scope and Permanent expansion

(Click for PowerPoing Presentation)

Intercessors in the Movement of Prayer for Haiti (MPH) grow the movement with a sense of mission by creating groups of prayer. They bring about culture change for our people. Each group of prayer enjoys full autonomy and coordinate with other groups through the MPH.

Registry of the Groups of Prayer for Haiti

Name of the Group of PrayerLocation (areas or countries where the members live)Number of membersDay and time of Prayer session
NehemiahHaiti, Guyana, United States, Canada13Saturday, 4:00 pm
NaomiHaiti, US10Sunday, 7:00 pm
JoshuaHaiti, US, Canada13Saturday, 5:30 pm
GedeonHaiti, USA, Canada10Sunday, 6:00 pm
DanielUS, France7Saturday, 2:30 pm
TimothyHaiti, Guyana, USA, Brazil16Saturday, 7:00 pm
DeborahHaiti, Canada7Saturday, 6:00 pm
MosesCanada4Friday, 7:30 pm
SimeonHaiti, Guyana8Saturday, 8:00 pm
JobUSA8Tuesday, 7:00 pm